A story of financial provision
“We own a guest house and the pandemic affected us financially. Our daughter was getting married soon and we needed to raise some revenue to contribute towards the wedding day celebrations. We considered renting out our daughter’s bedroom. She would move into our office. It would be a squeeze but it was doable. We prayed for a medium-term tenant and worked hard at transforming the space into a cosy fully-furnished flatlet.
We felt stuck because we couldn’t find a tenant. On the first Saturday in March (2022), I cried out to God and about an hour later I received an email. It was from a lady inquiring about a short-term rental. We didn’t have any photos of the unit as we were still busy painting it and adding the final touches. The lady gladly agreed to our tariff and paid a deposit within the next hour. The place was booked without her seeing any photos! This rarely happens, as most people want to get an idea of the space they’ll live in. The lady moved in on the Monday and to our relief was very happy with the place! She was a wonderful, quiet tenant and she stayed with us for four months.
I don’t know what made her email me on that specific day, other than it being the Lord guiding her directly to us! Thank you Lord. He led our tenant to us. We are so thankful.” – Theresa