From Griefshare to Joyshare
One Monday evening on the fifth week of the 13-week Griefshare Course, a gentleman named Marius who was attending the course walked in and announced, “I’m changing the course from Griefshare to Joyshare because my joy has been restored once more.”
He shared with the group that he had realised that he had been holding on to his wife. That he was not submitting and releasing her to God and letting God heal him.
Marius said, “God spoke to my heart via a book, Pursuit of God by AW Towzer. As I sat reading under a tree in the garden, the Holy Spirit illuminated the chapter ‘Blessedness of Possessing Nothing’. Abraham was called by God to sacrifice his son, his only son, whom he loved. Tower describes how the old man agonised and wrestled to come to a point of surrendering the love of his heart, which Towzer even referred to as ‘an idol’.
I was cut to my heart and right there I surrendered all my relationships, including my marriage with Santie, my will, mind, emotions, past, present and future – all I am and all I have, – to Jesus.”
Marius was also moved by the words of Charles Spurgeon who said that whenever a Christian leaves this Earth for Heaven, it’s an answer to Chrsit’s prayer, referring to John 17:24 “Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.“
Marius also realised, when listening to a worship song, that he had been holding on to his wife Santie and had to release her. This gave him the freedom to remove his wedding ring and he prayed and said,” I realise that I am no longer married and I need to accept this.”
After surrendering her, he saw a picture in his mind that he felt was from God, of God sitting under the tree with him and mending, physically stitching up his broken heart. He told the group how he had received supernatural healing of his heartache and got to share the testimony with them that evening. This was the evening that he told the group that his joy had been restored!
He also had this to say about the course,”Of all the courses and programs I’ve attended, Griefshare is one of the best, if not the best.
The content is excellently compiled under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The facilitators have so much compassion and wisdom from Jesus with which they lead the groups. We are truly blessed to be served with His love in this time of our deepest pain. I say thank you again to Jesus and to you for your part, and praise the Lord that I could be a part of it.
I believe you are also blessed in the process: Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. Proverbs 11:25″
(Stock photo above used for illustrative purposes only).