God’s shalom peace and healing from a serious horse riding accident
It was just after lunch on Wednesday 18 October that we received a call from our son-in-law to say that our daughter Tarryn had been thrown from her horse and was awaiting transfer from the Malmesbury hospital to Cape Gate Medi Clinic.
From what they could read from the X-rays she had seven broken ribs and a head/neck injury. Fortunately, she still had full use of her limbs which was a good sign. Tarryn was experiencing excruciating pain as a result of her injuries.
At the time we were not aware of the full extent of her injuries, it was only after she has been admitted to Cape Gate and assessed by a neurosurgeon and other medical professionals that the full extent of her injuries became apparent.
Tarryn sustained a base of skull fracture, retrograde amnesia, 7 fractured posterior ribs on the left, including flail segments, a haemopneumothorax and a contused kidney. In layman’s terms she had broken ribs, a punctured lung, fractured skull near to where the skull and spinal cord meet and a bruised kidney. She was admitted to ICU for 5 days.
After 10 days in hospital, she was transferred to Intercare Step down facility in Tygervalley for a week’s rehab. 15 days after the accident Tarryn was released and went home to Malmesbury.
As we look back on this horrific incident, we can see God’s hand at work.
Both of us had an incredible inner peace, from the moment we got the news till now. This peace is not a natural peace, its God’s shalom peace, no fear or anxiety. Tarryn’s recovery was a miracle and a testimony of God answering the prayers of husband, parents family, friends and complete strangers who stood with Tarryn in this time of need.
All thanks and praise to our loving and merciful God and Father who hears our prayers when we call to Him.
Louis and Estelle Mundell