The power of prayer
Simoné Farge is a member of ESCC and serves as a cell group leader at the Young Adults gatherings on a Sunday evening and as part of the worship team. She had just started her career after completing her studies last year, and was blessed with a good placement.
However, after her on-the-job training and the intensive six-week equipping boot camp, her employers placed her on a project that didn’t need her, and she wasn’t given anything to do. Although employed, she had no work. After two weeks, she felt despondent. She asked the Young Adult group leaders to pray for her, for wisdom to handle this challenge. By the next Wednesday, she reported that the change had been remarkable. From the moment she handed it over to God something shifted. Prayer unlocked quite a change, in both her project managers, as she was suddenly very needed on this project, and in her as she gained peace while waiting.
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