A story of prayer and perseverance
“Each day I swing out and head up the bumpy rural road to collect farm staff in the morning. Along the way, I see a group of four boys waiting on the side of the road for their school bus.
I started waving to them. They did not wave back.
Day after day this would happen with the same result every day. Not only did they not wave back, but they pointedly turned their backs on me most of the time. I started to ask the Lord to bless them and pour His love on them when I drove past and waved each day. Nothing changed outwardly.
Ten months after I first started waving at the boys I noticed that the group was no longer turning its back on me and one morning I saw one of the boys lift his hand very slightly and spread his fingers. Was this a fledgling wave, I wondered?
The next day, the same boy lifted his hand a few inches higher and made a couple of stiff movements with his hand. It was a very robotic type of wave but, nevertheless, undoubtedly a wave. A week later all four boys were waving back at me without reserve and smiling into the bargain.
It’s just a morning wave, but I know that the Lord softened their hearts and I know that they know that they feel validated in some way. There will be more testimonies coming from this small start, of that I am sure.”