
“Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of omnipotence.”

- Charles H. Spurgeon

Community praying together
Prayer is the launchpad for all we do at El Shaddai Christian Church.

Connect with God and cover your family, business, relationships, our church, community and beyond through prayer.

The #365Watch

Each year we launch new prayer guidelines for our 24-hour, 365-day a year prayer watch.

During the month of May we also unite with other churches in Durbanville for 10 Days of Prayer as part of the D4J (Durbanville for Jesus movement) too.

Each year we launch new prayer guidelines for our 24-hour, 365-day a year prayer watch.

During the month of May we also unite with other churches in Durbanville for 10 Days of Prayer as part of the D4J (Durbanville for Jesus movement) too.

More about this year's #366Watch

This is our 12th year of continuous prayer here at El Shaddai Christian Church. It was a dream back in 2012 that ignited this 365-day prayer watch ( a 366-day watch this year). The dream that was the catalyst for this powerful prayer watch was of 365 bricks in a wall facing out from Durbanville over the whole of the city and extending to the nations beyond. A call from God to us to pray every day of the year.

As we sought the Lord for direction for 2024’s prayer guidelines, he took us on a fascinating journey over a number of months and led us to Matthew 6:33 as our key scripture for the year.

‘But first seek his Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.’ Matthew 6:33

While our specific focus may change with each year – our vision remains the same with the mandate of Matt 28:19 weaving its way through everything we do. We’re disciples who are making disciples that make disciples!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matt 28:19

Our team provides updated, creative prayer guidelines that are prepared and will be available each quarter. We love including children in prayer and also prepare very creative guidelines for your children – these follow exactly the same focus as the adult guidelines.

There is a large 3D prophetic visual in the entrance of ESCC’s foyer, in front of Streams coffee shop. This helps to capture what it looks like to participate in a movement of prayer.

We welcome you to take a look at how the prayer mountain is growing and be encouraged. Beside making the guidelines available online, we keep printed Adult and Children’s prayer guidelines with our 3D visual. A simple way of showing you’re praying is to pop a cutout into this 3D visual each month – adding to the mountain of prayer.

Many of you are already signed up and we encourage you to keep your same day of the month. No need for you to sign up again – but if you haven’t signed up yet – click the button below to become part of click the #366watch.

Weekly Prayer Meetings


Prayer for Sunday gathering
A weekly time to pray specifically for our Sunday gathering.
8:00am to 8:30am

Baby Room behind the hall, El Shaddai Church Buildings (access via Church Hall)


Prayer for El Shaddai Christian School
A weekly prayer meeting to cover the ministry of El Shaddai Christian School.
7:45am to 8:45am
Prayer Room behind the hall, El Shaddai Church Buildings (access via Streams Café)


Ladies’ Prayer Group
This weekly prayer group is open to all ladies and covers everything from the ministries at ESCC to our church community, the families within this community, our larger community of Durbanville, Cape Town, South Africa and any issue in the world that the Holy Spirit leads us to pray for.
8:15am to 9:30am
Prayer Room behind the hall, El Shaddai Church Buildings (access via Streams Café)


Men’s Prayer Group
The men of El Shaddai Church unite in prayer and cover our future and families, early each Friday morning.
6:00 am to 7:30 am
The “Upper Room”, El Shaddai Christian Church offices
You’re welcome to join at any time. No need to sign up.

Whatsapp Prayer Broadcasts

Sign up for prayer alerts and event information via WhatsApp. Stop for a couple of minutes when you receive a broadcast and pray for the highlighted issue.

Email the church office with your cellphone number, and save our number on your cell phone. This ensures that you get your WhatsApp broadcast.

ESCC Reception: 021 975 1983


If you have specific prayer needs that you’d like our prayer teams to cover, select the ‘prayer request’ button below, or contact your cell connect leader.

Please remember to share your testimony with us too.

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