
From bullied to blessed: how God turned my gifts into a calling
“Oh my goodness, God…is sound engineering the thing that you want me to do? ” I never thought I could do

A teenager uses gaming and Discord to encourage another teen
Daniel share how God has used him to reach and encourage another teenager, through a gaming platform and Discord, depite being an

Cheryl’s journey from grief to leadership
In 2018, Cheryl faced a devastating loss when her husband passed away. She coped by staying busy, yet after three years, she

Miracle twins: a supported journey of faith
Belinda explains how devasted she and her family were when they learned that her son and daughter-in-law could not conceive. Her cell

13-year-old boy learns to read for the first time
The Klipheuwel Ministry shares how God led this boy to their reading programme and how aware they are of how much God

Providing confidence, support and connection to new moms
The greatest support that this group has offered me as a first-time mom was giving me confidence and reassurance about my ability