cause connect

Cause Connect aims to help the previously disadvantaged, marginalised and impoverished members of society by meeting their immediate needs and working towards long-term, sustainable solutions that will empower them to further help themselves.

“Let only mercy limit mercy”

Tim Keller

The Cause Connect Trust is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO) and public benefit organisation (BPO) – with applicable tax benefits available to donors – which falls under the Mercy, Justice, Grace (MJG) ministries of El Shaddai Christian Church.

Cause Connect’s three governing principles are:

  • 1. Mercy

    This welfare aspect assists people with basic needs like food, clothing and shelter.
  • 2. Justice

    We strive to bring social justice by finding the root cause of a need and developing programmes that bring about long-term change. For example, helping people obtain access, be it an identity document, a social grant, education opportunities and healthcare or community support for endemic social issues.
  • 3. Grace

    We engage with systemic issues in order to edify individuals and show compassion across society. These issues include orphans, the homeless, the disadvantaged, and the poor.
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