
Bless a Baby Par-Tea Testimony

“Bless a Baby has been a blessing to me and to the hospitals I’ve worked in. In 2019 I started working in Delft as an operational manager in the MAU (Maternity Assessment Unit) where 90% are teenagers delivering and 50% are mommies delivering without husbands. Everybody is unhappy. No clothes. Babies going home basically only with a nappy on, if we as nurses could afford the nappies, otherwise there was nothing for us to send them home in.

When I started there we started buying little vests at PEP stores and the cheaper nappies to send babies home in. On my way home one day, I was listening to Heart FM (radio) and I head this angel talking about giving bags. I got Glynne’s number from Heart FM and the following day she was there with 20 bags!

Then I moved on to Mowbray. Lots of people think it’s a better community but Mowbray looks after moms from False Bay, Gugulethu, Hannover Park and Mitchells’s Plain. Lots of the mommies are sick mommies. Once again Glynne stepped in and gave each and everyone a bag, mommies from Gugulethu, Mitchell’s Plain and Hanover Park.

Then in April this year I started at New Somerset Hospital, which although it’s next to the Waterfront, it serves Atlantis, Vredenburg Hospital, Wesfleur Hospital and Dunoon. Once again, lots of teenage pregnancies. I walked in and thought to myself, ‘I know someone who can assist me’.

And, as if God was…you know, God…there’s miracles, there’s true miracles in this world. I walked into Giant to buy my own stuff and who did I walk into? Glynne! She told me she was buying stuff for Bless a Baby and I told her that I need blessing in my new hospital. And what did we receive a week later? Ten big bags and ten small bags!” – Natasha Marney

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